Diarrhoea, itching and runny nose

Dear Ani Fit Team,
We have a soon to be 7 year old Eurasier/Shepherd mix dog. Three months ago we noticed that she had problems with diarrhoea, itching and a runny nose. At first we suspected that it was a parasite infestation on her skin. She was injected with cortisone and antibiotics. The cortisone didn't do her any good. At our insistence, an allergy test was carried out on her blood. Unfortunately, the results were not so good: grass pollen and house dust allergy!
Our vet recommended further cortisone treatment, which we refused as it had severe side effects. We were then recommended a monoprotein diet with horse meat. We tried this but it was not accepted by our dog.
After doing some research on the Internet, I came across Anifit.
As my dog has always loved chicken, we tried Gockels Duett and had great success! To make her food even tastier, we have now also tried the carrot flakes. She loves carrots! Thanks to this combination, she now has a complete and tasty meal, and most importantly - she is feeling well again! Her nose no longer runs and she no longer licks and scratches her groin.
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