Mr Schröder will soon have reached his ideal weight!

Dear Anifit team,
Mr Schröder (French Bulldog, 4 years old) always had a bit too many kilos on him, but that never bothered anyone.
Suddenly he started to sit down when we took him for a walk.... so off to the vet. Long story short, Mr Schröder has HD (HÜFTGELENKDYSPLASIE). No surgery is necessary yet, but he MUST lose 2-3 kg to relieve the pressure on his joints and hips. So according to the vet FDH (eat half) and it should take about 1 year. This naturally made Mr Schröder very unhappy. Then I met Julia Kugler by chance and learnt how unhealthy the usual dog food is! She enlightened me and recommended Anifit food combined with Power Darm. As soon as I tried the first tin (Gockels Duett), I realised that Mr Schröder liked it. He always comes running in the morning when there is food and almost jumps onto the kitchen counter!!! More importantly, he is full with 200g, doesn't stink as much and no longer has diarrhoea!!!! He is the happiest dog with the happiest owner!!! He has already reached his target weight within 2 months!!! There will never be anything else for Mr Schröder. Thank you Julia for the super tip!!!
Best regards Nicci
April 2018
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